The other day I had people over for dinner and at the last minute I didn’t feel I had enough pudding!!!! Ahhhhhhh. I had watched Mary Berry making a pavlova on TV and had jotted down the recipe on the fridge. SO I whipped it up. This was my first official Pavlova (lets just say my first official “successful” Pav) The recipe seemed pretty fail safe, and it worked a treat.
To translate my scribble that’s:
- 6 egg whites
- 365 g caster sugar
- 1 tsp white wine vinegar
- 1 tsp corn starch (which she said makes it soft and chewy in the middle)
I beat the egg whites together until they form soft peaks, then beat in
Beat in the sugar Mould shape it
the sugar a bit at a time to make a thick meringue. Add the vinegar and corn starch and mix in. Place on a tray covered in baking paper and mould it with a spatula. Mary Berry made a wreath, but I made a circular pavlova. I put it in the oven at 140˚C, then turned it down and baked it for an hour at 120˚C. To be honest, it didn’t seem long enough so I left it in for an extra 25 minutes, as some recipes cook their pavs for 1 and 1/2 hours.
Not tooo cracked Whipped cream and fruit to cover all the cracks
A wreath shape would probably only take 1 hour. The secret is to turn the oven off and leave it to cool completely in the oven to avoid cracking. It came out pretty good and plastered in cream, delicious. 🙂