Here’s the pie

Last Tuesday I was so proud of myself.  I managed to bake empanadas and blog and write 1000 words of my novel all before I had to leave the house at 11.30 for a writing meetup.

Books from writers festival :

Wow.  But today, not so much.  I had a work out, at home on my Exercycle, took the dog to the vet at 10am during which time I had to wander down the street with a receptacle trying to get a urine sample!  No fun!!  Haha.



Unfortunately she had already been, so all I got were weak attempts when she decided to leave her scent at a power pole.  I managed to collect about 5-10ml after about 10 minutes! and that was just enough, luckily.  On getting home, I decided to quickly  fill out the Pet Insurance claim forms.  This entailed printing them.  However, my computer was updating, the other computer’s mouse wasn’t working, so I had to search for an old claim form and copy and print it.  Soooo, not such an efficient morning.

It’s funny how life works, some days are just full of distractions and inefficiencies.  We can’t always do what we want, when we want or as efficiently as we would want to do it, we just have to enjoy the journey and go with the flow sometimes, and appreciate those days when we do manage to get lots done!!

Today I’m making Salmon Coulibiac, a grand festive Russian Fish pie, looks exciting.  I have laid out all the ingredients and am thawing the pastry in anticipation.  Yum.

This afternoon my daughter was in a speech competition at school so I raced down there for 4.30 to watch her.  It was an inter-school competition so I wanted to go to the prize giving at 6.30.  I got home at 5.30pm, Ahhhhh…I had time to make the fish pie!!  First I had to make the crepes, yes believe me this is a flash pie, it has wholemeal crepes, inside the pastry. 🙂

Multitasking under time pressure!!!

I made the mixture but had to leave it to sit for half an hour before cooking them, so got on with the wild rice and mushroom mixtures.  All was going well, until it came time to do the crepes.  By then it was 6.05, and I had to leave for school at 6.20pm.  So I got two pans going and managed to make them all before I flew out the door at 6.22pm.

Crepes laid out on the pastry

Rather a chaotic experience especially given that not one but two smoke alarms went off in the house,(at least they work), one of them twice! But I took a big breathe, had a sip of cold cider, got there on time and enjoyed the prize giving.

Salmon deboned!

Covered in mushrooms, onions and wild rice

When I got home, I assembled the pie, placing the crepes over the pastry, then the salmon with the wild rice mixture on top.  This was then wrapped in crepes and pastry… NOT BAD!!!

wrapped in crepes

I baked it and we were eating by 8.45pm.   A very delicious dinner, well worth all the effort!  Cheers. 🙂


Yum with Greek Salad! 🙂


I am a writer and a poet. I love to travel, and have lived in Belgium, Spain, Brazil, Chile and England. I love experiencing different cultures and their cuisine. I especially love Brazil, its culture and samba. And of course I love to bake!