I will make biscuits. These digestives look easy. The ingredients are amazingly healthy, oats, bran, wholemeal flour and then of course comes the brown sugar and loads of butter. The dough was so soft and held together beautifully enough to roll out and I used the cookie cutter to cut large round biscuits just like the bought digestives. They were rich, buttery and decadently healthy…
I baked them in a hot oven for ten minutes until golden brown; fresh, hot biscuits with lunch, Yum.
Good enough for dunking though they weren’t dry at all so really didn’t need to be dunked.
Observations are funny things. While making the biscuits I inadvertently rolled out Iceland with the dough, then while making empanadas for dinner, accidentally rolled out India!!
I walked out the back door the other day and found a rainbow and
dropping my daughter off at the ferry, managed to sneak in a picturesque walk around the waterfront. So much to observe and take in, if we want to see it.