You would think that a berry pie would entail some apples somewhere, Apple and blueberry, Apple and blackberry, but no, this pie is ALL BERRY and delicious to boot, all 750grams of them, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and raspberries. Now that’s a lot of antioxidants right there.

We know antioxidants are good for us but why? Because they fight free radicals. These chemicals cause oxidation that damages cells and their genetic material. Your body makes free radicals as it processes food, sunlight, and toxins. Antioxidants either stop free radicals before they form or break them down so they’re harmless. This pie then, has got to be good for you. And a great time of year for Berry pie!!! 🙂

The pastry of this pie was different too. It was made with flour, butter, sugar and egg yolk and cream cheese. This gave it a crisp texture when cooked as well as a luscious texture that rolled out easily.

I boiled the berries with lemon zest, lemon juice, sugar and cornflour. Then let this cool. After lining the pie dish with the pastry I poured the cooled mixture into the dish, covered with pastry, sprinkled with sugar and fluted the sides (well I tried to!)

I baked this in a hot oven until golden. The zest gave the berries a delicious zing, not too sweet and the pastry was nice and crisp.


I am a writer and a poet. I love to travel, and have lived in Belgium, Spain, Brazil, Chile and England. I love experiencing different cultures and their cuisine. I especially love Brazil, its culture and samba. And of course I love to bake!