The 55th Bake: Mary’s Princesstarta

I was looking for a good cake to bake for a parrrtttyyy!!  My samba teacher Gabi was inspired by my baking and decided to hold a Samba Passion Cultural food day at her house.  In addition she needed a cake to celebrate one of the teams 30th birthdays, so that was me done for the day…Baking on!!!  I liked the look of this Princesstarta as it has several layers, vanilla custard and cream, not to mention the home made marzipan icing!!  Wow, flash. (more…)

The 53rd Bake: Cherry & Almond Battenberg Cake

Well this looks interesting.  I’ve been looking forward to having a go at a Battenberg Cake, ever since I saw it being made as a technical challenge on the Great British Bake Off. It was first made in 1884 to honour the marriage of Queen Victoria’s granddaughter Princess Victoria to Prince Louis of Battenberg.  It looks hard…Eeeeeeek.  (more…)