The 108th Bake: Mary’s Dobos Torte

I am nearly done with my bakes! I can’t believe it. This is the last cake from the recipe book and WOW, what a cake. But, this spectacular torte was a mare to make. I laid the ingredients out on the bench and it took me at least 36 hours to get up the courage to start. Finally one evening before dinner, I made the decision to make the sponges, all 12 of them!!! So I cut measured circles out of baking paper, and laid them on baking trays. Then, you know the drill, I beat 8 eggs with caster sugar until the ribbon stage and added the flour. I spooned the mixture evenly onto the circles of paper and baked for 8 minutes.

Now that’s a lot of sponges. Six 20cm wide and six 15 cm wide. Job done. I decided to get a head start on the next step, the caramel for the caramel butter cream, so I put 800g of sugar in a pot with 100ml of water and dissolved this over medium heat. Unfortunately, it went from a bubbly lump of sugar to a hard lump of sugar, so I called it a fail and decided to do it in the morning!

So in the morning with 12 sponges done, I set to to make the caramel butter cream again. Luckily I had bought more sugar as 800g is no small amount. Well, you wouldn’t believe it, but it happened again!!! A hard lump of white sugar instead of clear sugar syrup going to golden caramel. So I decided to
