The 66th Bake: Celebration Rum Torte
I had an excuse to bake a big flash layered cake as family are visiting from Australia. This took most of the afternoon, although I have to say, having been through these steps before it does make it easier somehow. I needed two baking tins, so moulded one out of tinfoil to save having to bake the second sponge after the first. It was Maori language week and I went for coffee with my family to Crave, a local cafe.
They were getting right into the spirit of things. If you ordered your coffee in Te Reo, you got it free. So I ordered “He rate pĩni nui koa” Large soy latté please. It’s great to see the Maori language encouraged as although my Te Reo is wanting, it’s good to give it a go. Funnily enough “Kei te pēhea koe?” was in my head from childhood, don’t know how, but it’s there. So much better and more effective to learn a language as a kid, when we can soak up information like a sponge without having to think about it. Now for the baking, I first made (more…)