Easy Pizza Snack

It’s my daughter’s last day of school and she needed a shared lunch.  You know what it’s like, they fill up on sweets and unhealthy snacks.  Some kind Mum makes her daughter take grapes and you are grateful (no pun intended) while the rest of the kids take cake and chips.  Now that’s not really lunch is it!?  Today I made these little Pizza snacks for her to take, whipped them up in the morning.  They took 20 minutes because (more…)

The 62nd Bake: Pizzettes

It’s ball season again and I tried to make these Pizzettes for the pre-ball on Saturday.  I failed miserably because despite having all the ingredients laid out on the bench, I spent the whole day running, as you do from hair to makeup appointments for my daughter.  So a plate of cheese and crackers it was.  But I did make these the next day for lunch and then we had them for dinner as well.  So yum, with caramelized onions and blue cheese.  I made the dough, by (more…)